Cody Van Der Kooi

MSc Student

Cody Van Der Kooi is a masters research student studying the extreme wind effects on structures. In particular, Cody is analyzing the impact that tornadoes have on low-rise timber residential structures by modeling the phases of progressive collapse and their resulting impacts on the structural loading. His research utilizes a combination of CFD-based simulations and finite element models, which leverage the high-performance computing environment at SHARCNET. In addition, Cody serves as a mentor for the Western University Steel Bridge Design Team and has been recognized for his excellence as a teaching assistant by the Western Civil Engineering Department. Cody completed his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering & Management from McMaster University.


  • 2019: NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters
  • 2020: Ontario Graduate Scholarship
  • 2020: Alan G. Davenport Memorial Scholarship